What I learned from taking a few days off…

It’s been a while since I took the very advice that I give our team all the time…take time off BEFORE you get burnt out. Much easier to recover than letting yourself get burnt out in the first place… oops.

So I took some much, much, much, much needed time off to refresh my mind, body, and spirit and here’s some fun lessons I learned while being out in nature surrounded by people that fuel me up.

1)    Gratitude is the key to overcoming darkness. When you are burnt out, scared, exhausted, or angry, all you have to do is focus on what you are grateful for. It pulls you out and reminds you of the beauty in life. Life is SO short. Choose to enjoy it now, not later.

“When I am grateful for what I have, I can feel good along the way to what I desire” (Gabby Bernstein)

2)     We have accomplished so much at TRAX and I am so proud of our team. We have accomplished insane milestones that companies in their early stages may never ever even see once. We have multiple products with actual sales and growing. We have a passionate team that is constantly striving to improve the process and experience. We have a solution to a problem that actually helps our clients. It’s real. Even when things are tough, I am reminded daily from our team just how far we have come. We have made a mark that will live on no matter what.

3)    When you are lit up from doing what you love to do, you attract amazing things into your life and you can inspire others to do the same. When your energy is drained, it impacts those around you. Focus on you first. It has a bigger impact on others than trying to lift them up when you are completely empty.


4)    When you are doing something you love, time doesn’t exist.  When you are surrounded by people you love, time doesn’t exist. It doesn’t feel like work when you are inspired and passionate and in the flow.

5)    Lastly, the world is so much bigger than work. Our jobs are not who we are. They (ideally) should light you up and bring you joy- but they do not define you. When you let go of that, its humbling and reminds you of what really is important in life.


The best part about letting my mind rest? That bolt of inspiration hit again with new ideas to create something that will change the market again and I am buzzing with excitement and joy. Sometimes all it takes is a new environment and positive vibes for the creativity to flow. Stay tuned for the journey. I can’t wait to share it. 🤫 🙃

Love, Tracy and Milo


We sell two things at TRAX…


Just take the first step & start the dang thing.